Can offshore wind farm and fishing coexist?
When the sea is your source of income, the arrival of an offshore wind farm can understandably cause concern.
We understand the cultural and economic importance of fishing areas, which is why we design our wind farms to allow for commercial fishing throughout the development, construction, and operation of our offshore wind farms.
Safe Navigation and Fishing

Protecting Biodiversity
Marine creatures and fauna living in and around our wind farms, can also coexist harmoniously with offshore wind farms. We actively minimize environmental impact by using bubble curtains, which improve oxygenation within the marine habitat. Once built, the turbine foundations act as artificial reef habitats where new and diverse ecosystems can thrive. Harvesting mussels attached to the turbine foundations is another profitable form of coexistence between the energy hub and fishing.

Inside our wind farms, aquaculture facilities with “oxygenated” nets powered by the wind farm’s energy are made available to local fishermen.